When your home’s air is too dry, you have two main solutions: central humidifiers, i.e. one that’s installed with your furnace or a portable humidifier that you can set up in any room in your home. Which will give you the dry air relief you need to be more comfortable? And, in general, which is better?
Basically, the answer depends on what you need. We’ll compare the two below and help you make a smart decision for your home.
Benefits of Central Humidifiers
Whole home, or central humidifiers, are installed next to your furnace and use its fan to push the humidity it generates through the home. There are many advantages of using these units, including:
- Coverage: Unlike portable units, these humidifiers will add moisture to the air throughout your home, making every space more comfortable.
- Convenience: Whole-home humidifiers do not need to be moved and need very little maintenance. They drain on their own, and your HVAC tech can check it when they are inspecting the rest of your system.
- Space: The only space that a whole home humidifier takes up is in the wall near your furnace. Portable units, in contrast, need to be placed on the ground somewhere in your home.
- Efficiency: Whole home humidifiers are highly energy efficient, especially considering they use a fan that you probably already have running.
Despite this, whole-home humidifiers may not be the right solution for everyone. They do not create the concentrated humidity a portable unit is known for. Plus, central humidifier installation must be completed by a professional.
Need help with installing your central humidifier? Contact the experts at Woodbridge GTA ClimateCare today.
Portable Humidifiers Pros and Cons
Portable humidifiers are less convenient and more targeted than a whole house humidifier. They will cost more to run but also generate more humidity in a smaller area. There are some situations where portable humidifiers stand out as a good choice, such as:
- Health issues: If you are using your humidifier to combat health issues, a portable one will give you the most humidity right where you need it. Humidity can help with dryness, skin issues, asthma, allergies and more, but it is not a solution for all people or all respiratory conditions. Run your idea by your doctor first.
- Renting: When you’re renting, you don’t want to invest in something on your landlord’s behalf. When you buy portable, you can bring it with you to your next home.
Which Should You Choose?
There is no reason that you can’t use both of these solutions at the same time. In general, we recommend homeowners add whole home humidifiers and see if this solves their humidity problems. This is a longer-term solution that requires less of your time. If you still need a moisture boost after that, you can add a portable humidifier where you need it most—and you may be able to buy a smaller one because your whole home humidifier is still providing some moisture.
Get Professional Help Fixing Your Humidity
Do you need help installing your central humidifier or require a professional opinion on your purchase? The team at Woodbridge GTA Climate Care can help you. Reach out to us today!