HVAC safety tips

HVAC units comprise moving parts, chemicals, flames, electronics and more. All of these components can pose a hazard to you or your household if regular maintenance is neglected or if something goes wrong. In addition, if your ventilation system isn’t working correctly, you may be exposed to more air contaminants than is safe.  

In this article, we discuss essential HVAC safety tips to keep you and your family safe as well as maintain your units. 

1. Become Aware of Common HVAC Safety Hazards 

The most important tip of all is to be aware that safety hazards exist with your HVAC unit. You might think these appliances are low risk since they simply circulate warm and cool air, but in fact, they make use of hazardous materials/fuel to heat and cool your home. That’s why it’s best to learn what can go wrong before the unexpected happens.  

You can read up on what hazards might exist for your system online or flip through your HVAC unit manual. Better yet, call a trusted HVAC technician and ask them what you should be aware of and how you can mitigate risks.  

2. Ensure Proper Placement of External Units 

This is important for HVAC electrical safety since a unit exposed to pooling water may experience electrical damage and pose a risk to anyone near it. There should also be no obstructions near the unit so it can take in and expel air properly. In addition, make sure your AC unit is out of the sun. The ideal placement for external HVAC parts is in the shade or on the north-facing side of your house.

3. Don’t Leave Units Running Unattended  

If you’re out of the house all day or just going away for a weekend, there is usually no cause for alarm. However, suppose you’re away for an extended period. In that case, you’ll either want to shut off your units entirely (if the temperature permits) or have someone check on your house regularly while you’re away. Not only will leaving your furnace or AC on inflate your electrical bills, but it also increases the risk of something going wrong and potentially causing damage to your home.  

Our HVAC professionals are happy to help you learn the ropes of HVAC safety measures and maintenance.  Contact us today for a personalized maintenance plan that works for you.

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4. Change Air Filters Regularly 

Changing your air filters is crucial for your unit’s proper functioning and overall air quality. If your air filters are old and dirty, you may be subjecting yourself to low-quality air, which especially affects those with respiratory conditions.  

5. Schedule Professional Maintenance Annually   

Leave the most important steps to the professionals and schedule yearly maintenance with a trusted HVAC company. Yearly maintenance will include cleaning, an assessment of the unit, and various consumable part replacements. Regular maintenance will also prolong the life of your appliances, so you get the most out of your investment.  

Hopefully, this HVAC safety checklist helps you minimize risks and manage hazards around your heating and cooling appliances. If you have any questions or concerns about your HVAC system, please don’t hesitate to contact the Woodbridge ClimateCare team.  

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