Kids lying on the floor

Children are more susceptible to the health effects of poor air quality in your home. This is because they breathe in more air per kilogram of body weight compared to you. If children suffer from asthma or other respiratory conditions, they are at higher risk of health-related issues caused by poor air quality. Therefore improving air quality for children is extremely important. Here we look at seven symptoms of poor air quality in children.

1. Ongoing Cough and Congestion

The particles found in contaminated air cause poor air quality symptoms such as coughs and congestion. As these particles are breathed in, children will develop coughs and congestion as their bodies try to get rid of the unwanted particles. Airborne contaminants can also increase the frequency children have respiratory infections and irritation.

2. Complaints of Being Tired and/or Dizziness

Some of the chemical and gaseous contaminants found in poor air are produced by fumes as well as the presence of carbon monoxide. These elements can lead to cognitive issues which first become apparent with complaints of sleepiness and dizziness. When children display these symptoms, or they worsen, you might even have the risk of a gas leak or rising carbon monoxide levels. Always leave your home if these symptoms worsen and call for professional assistance.

3. Constant Illness

Children who seem to be constantly ill could be affected by a high particle concentration in the home. The drier your home, the more freely airborne germs can float around in the air. Dry homes tend to lead to more frequent illnesses especially in the winter and summer when you are running your HVAC system more often. Whether it is cold or flu, or symptoms such as congestion and cough, it’s time to arrange for an air quality check.

Is it about that time you do an indoor air quality check? Our experts at Woodbridge ClimateCare would be happy to get the job done right for you. Contact us today.

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4. Frequent Headaches

Symptoms of poor air quality in homes with chemicals and strong odours could be due to pollutants in the air including pesticides, cleaning products and garbage. These fumes can lead to frequent headaches in children. As well, sinus irritation is another side effect of poor air quality. When left unchecked, a sinus infection can develop which causes headaches.

5. Severe Allergy Symptoms

Children who suffer from allergies can experience far more severe allergy symptoms in homes with poor air quality. Their symptoms will tend to last all year round instead of worsening in allergy season. These hyperactive allergies are often not improved with medication or by eliminating the allergens that trigger your child’s allergies.

6. Irritation of Mucous Membranes

When mucous membranes are irritated by airborne contaminants it leads to itchy, burning, and watery eyes. However, children can also experience these same symptoms in the nose, throat and tongue. These symptoms tend to be worse in dry environments where nosebleeds are common.

7. Constant Nausea

This is a less common issue caused by airborne contaminants, but in some cases, children can experience nausea and even vomiting due to prolonged exposure to airborne contaminants. If your child suffers from bouts of nausea without any known cause, it could be due to poor air quality.

8. Skin Dryness And Irritation

Skin irritation due to dryness can include flaking, peeling, general dryness, redness, or rashes. Kids who suffer from skin conditions such as eczema will experience worsening symptoms in homes with poor air quality.

Are you looking for more information on indoor air quality? Let our team of professionals answer any and all of your questions. Give us a call today.


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